A question most of us ask.
When we get into a difficult financial situation, this is the first question that comes into our mind. Then we look for someone to blame, then comes denial and when all efforts have been exhausted, acceptance. The progression, most of the time, leads to a defeated state and causes us to hide deep inside our 'mental box'. Been there, done that.
Now is the time to move on, snap out of the idea that is keeping us boxed in. Many financial guru's and advisers are giving their solutions, some are free others with pay. But if we want something to happen, we need to make the choice. Caution though, not all are in it to help, so be wise.
It may be noteworthy to start by checking one's financial status. Be true and real, admit that it is in chaos- this is the first step. Identify the cause and start thinking on the solution. This is a good suggestion by a well known financial adviser. Nice - 'Where attention goes, energy flows'.
I have been on the road to learning from others, searching for solutions - it's fun...
Join me in this quest of learning and growing to reach the goal - Financial Freedom.