Saturday, September 20, 2014

Point of view.


How often do we hear 'you must be ready when opportunity knocks at your door' or 'opportunity passes by quietly'. But does it, really?

How many times have we heard these words, from our friends, peers and even family? And unfortunately we all have come to believe it. In my journey almost half of my lifetime has been spent waiting for the right opportunity. To be successful in life, I tried joining different companies, local and abroad, searching and waiting for that 'right opportunity'. How fleeting time passed by. And still that opportunity has not come.

So what then?

If opportunities do not come, we're toast, if it passed us by, we're gone. Or, we can chase after them - even without knowing where they are. By shifting our perception on the existence of these possibilities only can we achieve success. Remember when we got our first jobs? It wasn't handed to us on a silver platter, we gunned for it.

Perspective plays a great role in this quest. Which side are we looking from?

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